The Hunt (Wolves)

An interactive gamified on-chain experience for The Wolves collection on Blast.

Picture of the lua labs team together

The Hunt gamified on-chain experience for the Wolves NFT collection


We got contracted to create a gamified experience in less than a week for an existing NFT collection. We needed to create something that was simple, but fun for players. Requirements were also to be friendly for whales that had a lot of NFTs, but give it a chance for collectors that only had only 1 NFT.


We solved the problem by creating The Hunt, a simple game where each Wolves NFT can go on a Hunt. This Hunt is a on-chain randomizer with multiple different outcomes. Some outcomes give you lots of points and others less. Each NFT has a place in the leaderboard based on the amount of points they got, so each collector has a chance to be at the top.

This simple but effective game, has generated around 40,000 on-chain transactions. It also received 10,000 Blast Gold which is given to exceptional collections in the Blast Blockchain.


Main Hunt page and countdown

  • Collectors can play every 12 hours (at 8 am and 8 pm EST). Allowing for a more casual game, but constant interaction. The main page displays the countdown until the next window, as well as all your wolves available for hunting and their ranks.
the hunt main screen

Hunting experience

  • When hunting, collectors are able to pay for higher odds, or do a normal hunt with normal odds. We display an animation as well as a result screen once the transaction is cleared on-chain.

Skip Animation hunting

  • On the home page we created a mode that allows for collectors with many Wolves to skip the animation. Allowing them to quickly hunt from the home page.


  • The leaderboard page displays the placement of each wolf based on the amount of points they got hunting. This will determine the prizes they get at the end of the game.
leaderboard screen

Buy on Blur page

  • A utility page that allows collectors to see listed Wolves NFTs on Blur marketplace based on the amount of points it has.
buy on blur list page

Tech Stack

  • Smart Contract: We used Solidity to create 2 smart contracts for the hunt and leaderboard.
  • On-chain randomization: We used Pyth Entropy for securely generating random numbers on-chain.
  • Web App: NextJs, React, HTML, CSS, Typescript were the main technologies used for creating the web-app which interacted with the smart contracts.

Get in touch with us

This is the best way to get in contact with us, to send any inquiries, set up a call or to ask any questions. Feel free to reach out directly at